Wednesday, November 7, 2012


     In the novel We the protagonist D-503 lives in a society where logic triumphs over everything. However his discovery and exploration of human emotion begins to overpower and rival logic. This pushes D-503 to the edge of sanity as he tries to comprehend the abstract and intangible reasoning of human emotion. 

     This internal struggle between D-503's logic and emotion is later expressed, " For every equation, every formula in the superficial world, there is a corresponding curve or solid. For irrational formulas, for my (radical) -1, we know of no corresponding solids, we've never seen them. . . . But that's just the whole horror-that these solids, invisible, exist. They absolutely inescapably must exist." (Zamyatin 98) After being programmed to find a logical answer to everything D-503 was faced with the irrational root. This root troubles D-503 because there is no solution to it, much like emotion troubles him due to its abstract nature. 

    In addition to the irrational root symbolizing emotion the statement goes on to describe his feeling towards emotion. It is referred to by D-503 as invisible and that nothing corresponds to it. Emotion can not be defined by logic however D-503 acknowledges its presence. However because it exists and cannot be "solved" logically this creates a feeling of disdain towards the ambiguity and power that emotion contains. The unexplained existence of emotion puzzles and frustrates D-503 much like the unexplained answer to the irrational root. Furthermore D-503 explains that the solutions " inescapably must exist". This portrays D-503's frustration and uneasiness towards the unavoidable nature of emotion. Throughout the novel D-503 tries to overcome emotion through logic but succumbs to its unknown nature for no logical reason.

   D-503's comparison of emotion to the irrational root gives insight to his frustration and fear regarding emotion's illogical but still present nature. Emotion continues to torment and confuse D-503 in the exact way the irrational root frustrates him. 

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